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26. What would be your goals when/if you first came to a foreign country? What would you need and want to learn right away? Have you had any experiences with people from another culture which show differences in customs relating to showing appreciation (e.g. gift-giving and receiving)?

Everyone loves travelling, for this very reason people try to get more and new experiences by visiting to different foreign countries.

When I travel, my goal is to explore a new culture. I pay attention to food, architecture and way of life.  It's a big world out there; people live and behave differently. When you live in another country, you can open your eyes to the beliefs and values other people and its influence on their everyday life. You will discover new social norms and lifestyles. It will not only change your perspective, but it will re-shape your personality as well.

Experiencing a new culture is like stepping into a whole new world; you're exposed to different languages, smells, colors, sights, sounds, and people. Taking the time to travel to a different part of the world and a new culture will completely change your life. It'll be an exciting and thrilling experience that you will never forget! Whether it’s learning a new language or learning about an area’s history, travel allows us to learn so many different things. We become educated in the diverse cultures and ways of life. We learn about how our lives are intertwined and how we can impact one another.

 In a modern society, as a consequence of globalisation, a growing number of people have a tendency to travel overseas or emigrate to a new country. However, it is argued that foreigners ought to adapt to the local traditions and customs. It is reasonable to believe that every foreigner should respect the culture of residents. First of all, following native traditions and customs plays a significant role in bridging the cultural gap between newcomers and local people as well as promoting newcomers’ understanding of the code of conduct of that nation, so travellers or immigrants may find it easy to integrate themselves into this new community.

I think, travel allow us to discover, whether it’s an interesting locale or a newfound favorite dish. We travel to not only see more of the world and the people in it, but to also discover more about ourselves in the process.

I have not any experiences with people from another culture which show differences in customs relating to showing appreciation, but, I know that around the world, the act of saying "thank you" varies in tradition from culture to culture. If you want to thank someone for their hospitality when visiting their home in Ukraine, a small gift of chocolates or flowers is appropriate. But not yellow flowers, as these are considered bad luck. And an odd number of blooms only, please! Even numbers are only given at funerals.

Still on the subject of flowers, if you intend to say thanks with a bouquet in Germany, make sure it's an unwrapped bundle as this gesture is considered more sincere. Students who want to thank their lecturer for a great class, shouldn't clap. Instead, they show their appreciation by knocking on their desks.

So, learning about other cultures is an invaluable experience. Gaining an understanding of other cultures benefits both you and other people by deepening your understanding of how different people live. There are many ways to attain knowledge about other cultures.



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