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22. Give your personal ideas about advantages and disadvantages of the British system of secondary education. Draw parallels with Ukrainian system of secondary education.

    In no case, you can not combine the British and Ukrainian education. Because, they are in no way related. Ukrainian education is outdated, the priority is to cover as much material as possible in a short time. There is almost no critical thinking in Ukrainian schools compared to British schools.
     In many secondary schools in Britain the wearing of a school uniform is compulsory. Some schools argue that there are many advantages to this system, but students can often see some disadvantages too.
Public secondary education is free of charge, but is considered the worst in quality compared to private schools. The network of private schools is based on boarding schools, where children study and live apart from their families. Quite a lot of Catholic schools, full-cycle schools (from three to eighteen years old). I believe that there are negative sides to such training. Since children from an early age do not feel parental warmth. Actually secondary education in various schools is divided into Secondary school (up to 13 years old), Senior Schools (up to 18 years old). High school is divided into two two-year programs that end with the GCSE, A-Level exams. Upon reaching the age of sixteen, the results of examinations - students receive a certificate of GCSE (secondary education) or GNVQ (secondary vocational education). A separate opportunity to prepare for higher education are the Sixth Form schools. Only a quarter of graduates of British schools are committed to higher education (enrolling in higher education).
    In America, no one learns from the first to the senior class at the same school. In Ukraine, pupils from the first to eleventh grades are located in the same team and in the same room. Children do not find new friends, do not know how to find an approach to their peers.


17.12.2018; 21:42
хиты: 396
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