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Your comfort zone is all the activities that you feel comfortable about being in. How big is your comfort zone in terms of eating, traveling, home comforts, being alone or in public and some risky situations?

    Each person has a zone of comfort. This is a zone in which a person feels comfortable and free. Each of us makes every day ordinary things, we go to the university or work, eat the usual food, go familiar routes, solve the usual tasks. Іf our usual schedule changes, then we often leave the comfort zone.

      My comfort zone is different for different activities. Sometimes I feel comfortable in public but there are such moments when I feel comfort alone. I'm used to my rhythm of life.

    My comfort zone in terms of eating is not very big.  I like to eat in the usual places, for example, at home, in the cafe, in the dining room. I do not like when strangers watch as I eat. Sometimes, in special cases, I can have a meal in public places.  For example, when I have not eaten all day. In other cases, I go out of the comfort zone.

    My comfort zone in terms of travelling is big.I love traveling, new people and adventures are exciting for me. I'm not afraid of new, but on the contrary I am fond of new ones. When you go to the unfamiliar country, the only inconvenience is the lack of knowledge of the language of this country.

    My comfort zone in terms of home comforts is very, very big. I feel very comfortable at home, whether alone or with guests. The house is my biggest comfort zone.

      My comfort zone in terms of some risky situations is not very big. I like to stay alone, because I can not feel calm in public. Comfort zone does not allow a person to do something risky, unusual, because it is not known what consequences will be if you leave this zone.


17.12.2018; 21:42
хиты: 455
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