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5. Compare Anglo-American and Ukrainian systems of higher education. Point our their pluses and minuses. Do you think traditional exams will die out within a decade in favor of online assessment? Would you consider getting a distance learning degree?

Present-day independent Ukraine has got a rather developed system of education, which in many respects answers the standards of the developed countries. General secondary education is free and compulsory. Post-secondary education is acceptable to one and all.

Higher education is accessible to all. Young men and women have the chance of entering an institute or university. Girls students even predominate in teachers, medical and some other institutes. Institutions of higher education have preparatory departments for those who work in agriculture and industry and are demobilized from the army. After completing the ten-month preparatory course and passing exams they are enrolled as students.

The country has three types of institutions of higher education: universities, polytechnical and specialized institutes.

Britain. For seven hundred years Oxford and Cambridge universities dominated the British education

Oxford university is a sort of federation of colleges, The colleges vary very much in size and extent of grounds and buildings, and also in eminence. Part of the teaching is by means of lectures, and any student may attend any university lecture. Attendance at lectures is not compulsory, and no records of attendance are kept. Each Fellow in a college is tutor in his own subject to the undergraduates who are studying it.

The American system of school education differs from the systems in other countries. After graduating from secondary schools a growing number of Americans go on to higher education.  After the first two years every student can select subjects according to his pro  fessional interest.    Students must pay a tuition fee. The Americans place a high value on education.



17.12.2018; 21:42
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