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III семестр:
» Grammar. Module
» Історія перекладу
» Grammar. Exam
II семестр:
» Grammar
I семестр:
» Grammar
» Українська мова


1 1. Define the verb. Give its general characteristics. Define verbiality.
2 2. Define the transitive verb. Give examples of verbs which can function as both transitive and intransitive.
3 3. Define the link verb. Name the semantic groups link verbs can be subdivided into. Illustrate the answer with your own examples.
4 4. Define the semi-notional verb. Name the semantic groups semi-notional verbs can be subdivided into. Illustrate the answer with your own examples.
5 5. What are the lexico-morphological classes of the English verb? Illustrate the answer with your own examples.
6 6. What is the morphological classification of English verbs? Illustrate the answer with your own examples.
7 7. Characterize the realization of the category of tense. Outline the cases of progressive verb forms functioning.
8 8. Characterize the category of voice. What are the restrictions in the passive voice realization in English?
9 9. Characterize the category of person and number of the English verb.
10 10. Mood and modality. Grammatical and lexical means of expressing conceptual modality.
11 11. Characterize the category of mood.
12 12. Characterize the use of the Subjunctive Mood in complex sentences in object clauses.
13 13. Characterize the use of the Subjunctive Mood in predicative clauses.
14 14. Characterize the use of the Subjunctive Mood in adverbial clauses of purpose.
15 15. Characterize the use of the Subjunctive Mood in conditional sentences of different types (type 1, 2, 3 and mixed types).
16 16. The use of the Subjunctive Mood in adverbial clauses of comparison and concession
17 17. The status and semantics of modal verbs in English (can, may, must, to have to, to be to, need, ought to, should, shall, will, dare). Their morphological features.
18 Phrasal verbs
10.02.2015; 13:51
хиты: 7851
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