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Word meanings. Types, varieties and aspects of meanings.

Word-meaning is not homogeneous but is made up of various components, or types of meaning. They are as follows. The l e x i c o – g r a m m a t i c a l meaning (part-of-speech meaning) is the common meaning of words belonging to a lexico-grammatical class of words, it is the feature according to which they are grouped together. The interrelation of the lexical and the grammatical meaning varies in different word-classes. In some parts of speech the prevailing component is the grammatical type of meaning (e.g., in prepositions), in others – the lexical (e.g., in nouns, verbs, etc.).

The l e x i c a l meaning is the component of meaning proper to the given linguistic unit in all its forms and distributions. E.g., in the forms go, goes, went, gone (читає, читав, читатиме) we find one and the same semantic component denoting the process of movement.

Both the lexical and the grammatical meanings make up the word-meaning as neither can exist without the other.

Lexical meaning is not homogeneous either; it includes denotative and connotative components.

The d e n o t a t i v e component of lexical meaning expresses the conceptual content of a word. Fulfilling the nominative and the communicative functions of the word, it is present in every word and may be regarded as the central factor in the functioning of the language.

The c o n n o t a t i v e component of lexical meaning expresses the pragmatic communicative value the word receives depending on where, when, how, by whom, for what purpose and in what contexts it is used. Unlike the denotative component, the connotative component is optional. There are four main types of connotation. They are stylistic, emotive, evaluative and expressive, or intensifying.


Diachronically: primary and secondary

primary (first appeared in a L.)

secondary (historically derived from other primary mngs)

eg: train шлейф, толпа, поезд


  central and minor

  direct and transferred

  free and bound (corridor train, down train, ride the gravy train)

-Bound(it’s limited by the context, don`t exist in real life – green flower;

clichés – to wage a compaign; Phraseologically bound – white elephant)


1.Grammatical mng:

repeated by in similar gr. forms of Ws, should be studied in context (mng of plurality: -s)

2.Derivational mng:

establishes semantic correlation between a simple W. and a derived W.

3.Lexical mng:

the correlation bw sign and phenomenon, establishes relations of the sound form & objects (phenomena of reality)

  1. ASPECTS of lexical meaning

All the mngs are connected but should be studied through history.

1.Denotational mng ( conceptual) – link between the word and the meaningis the core of the lex. mng. We look for it in the dictionnary.

2.Connotational mng:this aspect gives additional info about the attitude to what is expressed in the W, it’s not individual. It’s restricted in a dictionnary.

3.Emotive charge:(ex. Daddy/dad/father,skinny, thin, slender, slim)

It’s the stylistic reference. Some Ws are neutral, others are stylistically marked (dac)

4.Pragmatic aspestoften describes the situation in which the W is used /the situation of communication from which you can judge about a meaning


24.05.2016; 18:02
хиты: 151
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