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3. The main sources of enriching vocabulary.

-phonetic changer (фонетич.изменения)


-polysemy( многозначность)


-shortening( сокращение)

4. не нашла

5.  The main means of word-building in English.

Word-buildingis the system of derivative types of words and the process of creating new words from the material available in the language after certain structural and semantic formulas and patterns. W-b is that branch of lexicology which studies the derivative structure of existing words and the patterns on which a language builds new words.

Principal types of word-formation –patterned (основные)

-word-derivation- basic ways of forming words affixation and conversion (словопроизводство)

-word-composition-combining two or more stems (словосложение)  earthquake → birthquake ( =population explosion) землетрясение-…= демократический взрыв


- stress interchange -import (n) – to import (v)

- sound interchange -life – to live

-back- formation (обратн.словообразование) -pee < pees (горох сначала был только во мн.ч.

- artificial creation of words(искусств. создание слов) babysitter <to babysit

+ shortening (сокращение) Mr.- mister

+abbreviation  BBC= British Broadcasting Corporation


24.05.2016; 18:02
хиты: 88
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