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32. Semi-composite sentences

The seni-composite sentence is a sentence, with more than one predicative lines which are expressed in fusion. It displays an intermediary syntactic character between the composite sentence and the simple sentence. Nowadays there is the tendency of speech to be economical. The semicomposite sentence expresses a semantic ranking of the events in the situational blend (a dominant event and a by-event). Semi-composite sentences are devided into semi-complex and semi-com­pound. Semi-complex are built up on the principle of subordination and may be subject sharingThe moon rose red.

Semi-complex sentences of object-sharing We saw her approaching us. The adjunct to the shared object may be expressed by the Infinitive, Participle I, Participle II, an adjective, a noun: I never heard the word pronounced like that

21.06.2015; 14:39
хиты: 113
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