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– the ability of a text component to obtain extra-significants in a text. As for the mechanism of foregrounding through its long use in speech, every linguistic element becomes automotised, as a result it forms its own background.

Stylistic context moves the automotised element into the front line and it becomes foreground. The aim of stylistic is to fix the foregrounded element and to reveal the nature of its contextual changes.

Types of foregrounding:

  1. Convergence (is the occurrence of a number of stylistic devices performing one and the same function) * And heaved and heaved still arrestingly heaved the black sea. (инверсия + лексич. повтор)

  2. Coupling (is the occurrence of similar elements in similar position. Similarity can be phonetic, morphological or structural. It brings unity to the whole or some certain part of a text.) *

  3. The effect of defeated expectancy

Stylistic function – the entire system of expressive means in the text that conveys not only logical content but also emotive information.

Expressive means – have a high degree of predictability. They are mostly fixed in dictionaries.

When a deviation from the acknowledged meaning is carried to a degree that it causes an unexpected turn in the recognized logical meaning we register a stylistic device.


12.12.2013; 11:42
хиты: 2993
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