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Functional Stylistics and Functional Styles

Main Trends in Style Study

Depending on the approach and the final aim, there can be observed several trends in style study. Common to all of them is the necessity to learn what the language can offer to serve the innumerable communicative tasks and purposes of language users; how various elements of the language participate in storing and transferring information, which of them carries which type of information, etc.

Functional stylistics, which became and remains an international, very important trend in style study, deals 'with sets, "paradigms" of language units of all levels of language hierarchy serving to accommodate the needs of certain typified communicative situations. These paradigms are known as functional styles of the language. Proceeding from the famous definition of the style of a language offered by V. V. Vinogradov we shall follow the understanding of a functional style formulated by I.R. Galperin as “a system of coordinated, interrelated and interconditioned language means intended to fulfil a specific function of communication and aiming at a definite effect”.

Functional style – is a system of coordinated, interrelated and inter-conditioned language means, intended to fulfill a specific function of communication and aiming a definite effect. (Galperin)

functional styles:

1. official style, represented in all kinds of official documents and papers;

2. scientific style, found in articles, brochures, monographs and other scientific, academic publications;

3. publicist style, covering such genres as essay, feature article, most writings of “new journalism”, public speeches, etc.;

4. newspaper style, observed in the majority of materials printed in newspapers;

5. belles-lettres style, embracing numerous and versatile genres of creative writing.



12.12.2013; 11:42
хиты: 197
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