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28. Hyponymy as a type of paradigmatic relationships in lexis.

Linguistic science belongs to a semiotic system. Any semiotic system has paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations. Paradigmatic relations bind the sciences in the structure of the language.

 Paradigm is a group of elements, having a common component but different in a certain part. Paradigmatic relations include synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy and incompatibility.

Hyponymy is the semantic relationship of inclusion. The hyponymic relationship may be viewed as the hierarchical relationship between the meaning of the general and individual terms.

The general term is sometimes called the classifier or hypernym. It serves to describe the lexico-semantic group, individual terms or hyponyms contain the meaning of the general term in addition to their individual meanings which distinguish them from each other. e.g.: to move hypernym = walk, run, crawl hyponyms. The principle is widely spread in botany, geology etc. hyponymic relations may be viewed as objectively reflecting the structure of vocabulary and is considered one of the most important principles for the description of meaning.

 2 most important features: hyponymy is transitive; hyponymy is asymmetrical.

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