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Types of word meaning: grammatical, lexical, lexico-grammatieal. The main components of lexical meaning.

Word meaning is represented by different types of meaning: grammatical, lexical, lexico-grammatical.

 Grammatical meaning is the component of word meaning, recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words. It is an expression in speech of relationships between words based on contrastive features of arrangements in which they occur.

 Lexico-grammatical meaning is the common denominator of all the meanings of the words belonging to a certain lexico-grammatical class or group of words.

Lexical meaning is the meaning proper to the word as a linguistic unit.

Lexical meaning is the component of word meaning recurrent in all the forms of the word and in all the possible distributions of these forms.

The lexical meaning of the word is individual and different for each separate word.

The main components of lexical meaning are: denotational (denotative), connotational (connotative) and pragmatic.

The denotational meaning of words is the same for all the speakers. It makes communication possible, because it is the realization of the concept by means of the given language.

 The connotational meaning is optional. It conveys the speaker’s attitude toward what he is speaking about. There are 4 main types of connotations which may occur in a word in different combinations: emotional, evaluative, intensifying (emphatic or expressive), stylistic.

The pragmatic aspect of lexical meaning is the part of meaning, that conveys information on the situation of communication. The pragmatic aspect of lexical meaning is closely connected with the ethno-cultural component some lexical units possess.

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