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Live and learn

I think, it is one of the best proverbs. Not casually, the proverb is the popular wisdom which is saved up for centuries. 

The person is born and at once he begins being trained, first of all, in the simplest things: to sit, go, recognize mother and the father, to speak, draw, correctly to hold a spoon, to behave in society. Parents have to give all this to the child.

Then the child crosses a threshold of school and follows a long and thorny way to knowledge. At school of the child learn not only to read, write, consider and live in society, but also to think, analyze, estimate, dream. Over time it the point of view is formed, and he learns to prove it and to defend the opinion. Besides school parents can send the child to musical, art, sports schools, where he besides professional skills, he to learn still feeling of a rhythm, taste, the eye estimation develops, will power and endurance trains. Thus, the child's horizons are broadened. 

After eleven years, already adult, independent person leaves school, but his training on it doesn't come to an end, on the contrary, the next, more significant period of his life – four-five years of university begins with it. Now among youth there is an opinion that the higher education isn't obligatory for rich and happy life, examples of they are the millionaires who didn't graduate even school: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Henry Ford and many others. But the matter is that these people differ from us, they not simply think differently, they act and achieve results. Not each of us is capable on such therefore – live and learn.

As for me, after graduating from secondary school, I decided to enter Izhevsk Polytechnic College by profession archivist where I studied 3 years. At this point I decided not to stop and entered the Udmurt State University. Frankly, there is not easy to learn, but it's worth it.
if I am educated, I will have a good, high-paying job. Nowadays it is necessary to be improved, to learn, because education is changeable. 

However, no matter how many years you were not, you can always learn something that you did not know before. The main thing – it isn't necessary to be afraid of it or to be ashamed. And let you are thirty, forty years old – never late to learn to draw, or to play, for example, a flute. The brightest to that an example – M. V. Lomonosov who started studying in eighteen years! And as it appeared, not for nothing. Be not afraid to study, after all the studying is light! 
At last I want to finish my topic with Alexander Dumas’s saying: one's work may be finished somebody, but one's education never.

08.01.2016; 17:23
хиты: 437
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