Meter- any form of periodicity in verse, it’s kind determinated by the character and the number of syllables which it consists of.
Two types of meter
Iambus: one unaccented followed by an accented syllable (away, forget, mistake)
Trochee: an accented followed by an unaccented syllable (only, duty, beauty)
2) trisyllabic
Anapest: two unaccented syllables then an accented syllable (intervene, disagree, understand)
Dactyl: an accented syllable then two unaccented syllables (happily, mystery)
Amphibrach- (beginning, umbrella)-between two unaccented
Metrical violations:
Spondee: Two successive syllables with strong stresses: “stop, thief”
Pyrrhic: Two successive syllables with light stresses: “up to”
Metrical characteristics depends on the number of feet.According the number of feet:
Monometer: One foot
Dimeter: Two feet
Trimeter: Three feet
Tetrameter: Four feet
Pentameter: Five feet
Hexameter: Six feet
Heptameter: Seven feet
Octameter: Eight feet
Accented verse(акцентная строка)
Type of verse in which only the number of stresses in a line is taking into account. A.V. is only tonic.( Work!Work!Work!)