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28. Do you think an American would have a difficult time learning your culture and language? How long do you think it would take him or her to accomplish this? What things do you think would be easiest to learn about your language and culture?

I think an American will have a difficult time learning Ukrainian culture and language, but it’s time will be funny and great! This is due to cultural differences between countries. As you begin your Ukrainian experience you will go through various degrees and stages of culture shock. I will give you some points that will be particularly difficult to perceive.

Safety – American standards for safety are very high. Safety in Ukraine is far from the standards of America and it will require caution on your part. Some examples: Snow Removal – Snow removal is not the norm. Be prepared to walk on packed, icy snow. Eye Contact – In Ukraine, people like to stare at others and have no problem doing it. In America, we may see this as an act of aggression, but it’s a favorite pastime for Ukrainians. Time – Americans generally use time in a linear fashion. We create schedules, to-do lists, and keep our appointments. For example, one common norm in Ukraine is that a person is not considered to be late if that person arrives within 15 minutes of the arranged time. Personal Space – Americans love their personal space and spacious surroundings. In general, an American’s personal space is an arm’s length of space. When this space is infringed upon, it could make a person anxious. In non-American cultures, this personal space shrinks. This is true of Ukraine. Personal space is reduced; people live in cramped apartments and rooms are compact. This translates into a limitation of personal space on the street. You will see this in metros, buses, and elsewhere. You may find that the personal space you enjoy back home is less here in Ukraine. Americans have the tendency to develop relationships very quickly. A person could be introduced as a friend or best friend within hours or minutes of meeting. In Ukraine, a person is first an acquaintance and only after time becomes a true friend. Role of family in Ukraine – Family plays a central role in a Ukrainian’s life. In America, we strive for independence and have no problems moving away from home.

Shaking hands across a doorway – Many Ukrainians consider shaking hands across a doorway a bad sign. They believe this will somehow ruin your future relationship, so they will want to shake hand with you once inside a room. Sitting at the corner of a table – Ukrainians avoid sitting at the corner of the table because they believe that a person who sits there will have a curse and will not marry. What about language? There are significant differences between English and Ukrainian language. For example, Ukrainian language grammar does not use article in sentences. The Ukrainian language is based off the the Latin alphabet and consist of Cyrillic alphabet and has 33 Cyrillic letters. The present day Ukrainian tense category is simple past, past perfect, future, expressed by three tense forms for the and future perfect.

In my opinion, it will take a lot of time, and the best way to learn about the culture and traditions of our country is to visit it and to find new friends.



17.12.2018; 21:42
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