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It is not a secret that every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Scotland people attach great importance to traditions and customs. Scots are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. For example, the Scottish national costume. It includes  a kilt worn by men. Or take food, for example. We all know the stereotypical notions of traditional Scottish cuisine  - haggis, porridge and whisky. Not anymore. but they produce a lot of dishes. No country has a greater variety of puddings and pies, creams and jellies. Scotland has been handing down its traditions a thousand year, since the earliest days of the clans in the 12th century. However, Scottish traditions are vibrant, living things, constantly growing and evolving, and every generation adds something of its Scottish culture to the whole


24.01.2014; 03:18
хиты: 306
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