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Text 33 В

Modern Methods of Analysis


Text 33 В Modern Methods of Analysis - раздел Образование, Part One THE PREDICATE Прочтите Следующий Текст Про Себя (Контрольное Время Чтения — 3 Минуты). ...



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The so-called classical gravimetric and volumctric methods have by no means been superseded by physical chcmistry and physical methods. Unlikely as such a statement may seem, instrumental analysis, as it is known today, supplements rather than supplants the so-callcd classical wet methods. Such terms as calorimctry, spectrophotometry, Raman effect, fluorimctiy, spcctrography, X-ray diffraction, radiometric methods, polarography, ctc., arc in common usage and every part of the analytical work now performed is through the use of instrumentation. Indeed, modifications of many of these instruments arc now being moved out into actual manufacturing operations in order to provide continuous analysis.

One of the more modern developments in the field of analysis is that of microanalysis, employed where the size of die samples is considerably smaller than used in the type of analysis sometimes defined as macroanalysis. Today quite a number of analysts arc directly concerned with what is frequently defined as tracc analysis. The determination of very low concentrations is often of great importance in maintaining high quality of a product. A wide variety of new techniques have been developed to meet this need. Another field currently receiving greater attention is the matter of scientific sampling. Certainly, no method of analysis, accuratc as it may be, will give a proper perspective if die sample employed is not reasonably representative of the whole.

Today the research analyst in the chcmical proccss industries is an honoured member of the "team". The use of this term has bccomc widespread to describe the modern "team approach" to the discovery, development, and full-scalc production of new products. Thus, the wheel of fortune for the analyst has made a complete circle.

19.01.2015; 01:47
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