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III семестр:
» Grammar. Module
» Історія перекладу
» Grammar. Exam
II семестр:
» Grammar
I семестр:
» Grammar
» Українська мова

5. What are the lexico-morphological classes of the English verb? Illustrate the answer with your own examples.

The lexico-morphological classes of the English verb subdivided into:

  • According to the implicit grammar meaning of stativeness or non-stativeness fall into
    • actional(dynamic) verbs - denote actions proper (do, make, go, read, etc.)
    • static(stative) verbs, which denote state (be, exist, lie, sit, know, etc.) or relations (fit, belong, have, match, cost, etc.). Verbs have no passive voice, are not used in the continuous and perfect continuous tenses. Their occasional use in these tenses is always exceptional and results in the change of meaning.
  • According to the implicit grammar meaning of transitivity verbs face into:
    • Transitive(take, see, give, mean, make):
      •  monotransitive verbs - take only one direct object. Jane is helping her sister.
      • ditransitive verbs - followed by a direct and an indirect objects. Jane gave her sister an apple.
      • prepositional transitive verbs - followed by a prepositional object. Jane looks after her sister.
    • Intransitive(remain, sleep, swim, think) - don't require any object to make the meaning complete
  • According to the implicit of terminativeness or non- terminativeness:
    • terminative - denote an action implying a certain limit beyond which it cannot go: to bring, to kill, to die, to give
    • non-terminative - denote a certain action which does not imply any limit: to live, to hope, to love, to be


29.05.2014; 23:16
хиты: 884
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