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III семестр:
» Grammar. Module
» Історія перекладу
» Grammar. Exam
II семестр:
» Grammar
I семестр:
» Grammar
» Українська мова

14. Give the characteristics of the Participle II; speak on manifestation of its adjectival/adverbial and verbal nature. Exemplify your answer

The participle has a verbal and an adjectival or adverbial character. Its adjectival or adverbial character is manifested in its syntactic functions, those of attribute or AM.

And then she turned to the title-page, and looked at the name written in the schoolboy hand.

Затем она открыла книгу на титульном листе и посмотрела на имя, написанное ученическим почерком.

When left to herself she spent her time at her writing desk - AM

Оставшись одна, она провела время за своим письменным столом.

The verbal characteristics:

- Can be modified by an adverb

Deeply affected, Priam Farll rose and left the room

- Participle II has no tense distinctions; it has only one form which can express both an action simultaneous with, and prior to, the action expressed by the finite verb; the latter case is more frequent.

I was remained of a portrait seen in gallery

Мне вспомнился портрет, который я видела в картинной галерее


18.12.2014; 23:27
хиты: 161
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