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III семестр:
» Grammar. Module
» Історія перекладу
» Grammar. Exam
II семестр:
» Grammar
I семестр:
» Grammar
» Українська мова

9. Define the following terms: word-group, constructional syntax, syntactic relation

Word-group - the word-group is a combination of at least two notional words which do not constitute the sentence but are syntactically connected.

Constructional Syntax. Constructional analysis of syntactic units was initiated by Prof. G.Pocheptsov in his book published in Kyiv in 1971. This analysis deals with the constructional significance/insignificance of a part of the sentence for the whole syntactic unit. The theory is based on the obligatory or optional environment of syntactic elements. For example, the element him in the sentence I saw him there yesterday is constructionally significant because it is impossible to omit it. At the same time the elements there and yesterday are constructionally insignificant – they can be omitted without destroying the whole structure.

Syntactic relations are syntagmatic relations observed between syntactic units. They can be of three types – coordination, subordination and predication. The syntactic units can go into three types of syntactic relations: Coordination, Subordination, Predication.

18.12.2014; 23:27
хиты: 161
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