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III семестр:
» Grammar. Module
» Історія перекладу
» Grammar. Exam
II семестр:
» Grammar
I семестр:
» Grammar
» Українська мова

8. Give general characteristics of gerund. Comment on manifestation of its nominal and verbal nature. Exemplify your answer

The gerund is a non-finite verb form that can function as a noun in English grammar. It's formed by adding the suffix -ing to the stem of the verb.

As a natural result of its origin and development the gerund has nominal and verbal nature.


- The gerund can perform the function of subject, object and predicative

They say smoking leads to meditation - Subject

I like making people happy - Object

The duty of all progressive mankind is fighting for peace - Predicative

- Can be preceded by a preposition - I am very, very tired of rowing

- Like a noun the gerund can be modified by a noun in possessive case or by a possessive pronoun

Is there any objection to my seeing her? - Кто-нибудь возражает против того, чтобы я повидался с ней?

Verbal characteristics(=participle):

- The gerund of transitive verbs can take a direct object

I had now made a good progress in understanding and speaking their language

- Can be modified by an adverb - She burst out crying bitterly

-The Gerund has tense distinctions; the gerund of transitive verbs has also voice distinctions

18.12.2014; 23:27
хиты: 155
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