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Homonymy. Classification of homonyms.


Homonyms can be of 3 kinds:

  • 1. Homonyms proper (the sound & the spelling are identical)
  • 2. Homophones (the same sound form but different spelling)
  • 3. Homographs (the same spelling)


1. bat – bat  - flying animal (летучая мышь)
                           - cricket bat (бита)

2. flower – flour
            sole – soul 
            rain – reign

3. tear [iə] – tear [εə]
            lead [i:] – lead [e]

Homonyms proper are words identical in pronunciation and spelling:

  1. “Ball” as a round object used in game, “ball” as a gathering of people for dancing;
  2. “Bark” v to utter sharp explosive cries; “bark” n is a noise made by dog or a sailing ship, etc.

Homophones are words of the same sound, but of different meaning, for example:

“Air” – “heir”, “arms” – “alms”, “bye” – “buy” – “by”

 One of the sources is its development from polysemy.

At a certain point, variation within a word may bring to a stage when its semantic core is no longer elastic. It can’t be stretched any further & as a result a new word comes into being.

Homonymy differs from polysemy because there is no semantic bond (связь) between homonyms; it has been lost & doesn’t exist.

Homonyms appear as a result of:

1.  The phonetic convergence of 2 words of different pronunciation & meaning.

Ex.: race → a) people derives from Old Norwegian “ras”
                    b) running, from French “race”

2.   The semantic divergence or loss of semantic bond between 2 words polysemantically related before.

Ex.: pupil→ a) scholar
                     b) apple of an eye (зрачок)


25.01.2014; 00:25
хиты: 173
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