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The main types of word-formation.

Word formation - is a branch of science of the language, which studies the patterns on which a language forms new lexical items (new unities, new words)

It’s a process of forming words by combining root & affixal morphemes.

According to certain patterns specific for the language or without any outward means.

2 major groups of word formation:

1) Words formed as grammatical syntagmas, combinations of full linguistic signs (types: compounding (словосложение), prefixation, suffixation, conversion, and back derivation)

2) Words, which are not grammatical syntagmas, which are not made up of full linguistic signs.

Ex.: expressive symbolism, blending, clipping, rhyme & some others.

Common for both groups is that a new word is based on synchronic relationship between morphemes.

Different types of word formation:


Is joining together 2 or more stems.


1) Without a connecting element
     headache, heartbreak

2) With a vowel or consonant as a linking element
     speedometer, craftsman

3) With a preposition or conjunction as a linking element
    down-and-out (в ужасном положении, опустошенный)

Compounds can be classified according to their structure:

  • consisting of simple stem
  • compounds where at least one stem is a derived one 
    football player
  • where one stem is clipped 
     H-bag (handbag)
  • where one of the elements is also a compound
    wastepaper basket 
    compound nouns, adjectives, verbs.
  • There are also the so-called reduplicative compounds:
        Tick-tick, chow-chow


Prefixes are such particles that can be prefixed to full words. But are they not with independent existence.

Native prefixes have developed out of independent words; there is a small number of them.(a-, be-, mid-, fore-, mis-)


A suffix is a derivative final element, which is or was productive in forming new words.
It has semantic value, but doesn’t occur as an independent speech use.

A hybrid is a word different element of which are of etymologically different origin.
2 groups:

1) A foreign word is combined with a native affix
     - full
     - less
     - ness
       clearness, faithless, faithful

2) Foreign affixes are added to native words
     - ance
     - al
     - ity
     - able

Semi suffixes are elements, which stand midway between full words & suffixes
- like
- worthy
- way
- wise

(a Godlike creature, trustworthy, clockwise, midway)

6 ways of suffixing in English:

1) Derivation by native suffixes without changes in stress, vowels, consonants

2) Derivation by borrowed suffix without changes in stress, vowels, consonants

3) Derivation by imported suffixes, which involves the change in
    Japan   Japanese

4) The suffix is added to a Latin stem which closely related to an English word
     science – scientist

5) The suffix is added to a Latin stem, which has no English equivalent
     lingua – lingual

6) Words borrowed separately but have the same patterns of word building
     candidate – candidacy
     president – presidency


(zero derivation)

A certain stem is used for the formation of a categorically different word without a derivative element being added.
     Bag – to bag
     Back – to back 
     Bottle – to bottle
This specific pattern is very productive in English

25.01.2014; 00:25
хиты: 152
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