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1) What do you think when you hear the words ‘environmental problem’? An environmental problem is a change in the natural environment that leads to a violation of the structure and functioning of nature.

2) Do you add to the environment's problems in your daily life?
The problem of the environment concerns all of humanity, so it concerns me, since we all produce waste in the life cycle.

3) What can you do every day to help the environment?
To help the environment, we must first keep our homes, streets, and neighborhoods clean and reduce the amount of waste produced by limiting the amount of plastic in our homes.

4) Will the problems get worse or will they slowly disappear?
It seems to me that if we do not take measures to solve environmental problems, then soon all the consequences can be catastrophic, since recently humanity has been producing a lot of waste and all this affects nature and the world's oceans.

29.04.2020; 16:00
хиты: 219
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