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Weight loss: it’s all in the mind

1. What do you think is the reason for so many people being overweight?
The stress that leads to overeating, fatty and junk food, parents who fattened up children from childhood.
2. Do you have an experience in losing weight? Was it successful? Tell us about your own techniques. 

Exercise 1. Find the English equivalents of the following phrases in the article:
1) сократить употребление жирной пищи - cut back on fat
2) изнуряющая диета - restrictive diet
3) преодолеть психологические причины переедания - to tackle the psychological reasons for overeating
4) быть приверженцем здоровой пищи - person who eats healthily foods
5) иметь проблемы с питанием -  have issues with food
6) разработать собственные методики самогипноза - devise own self-hypnosis techniques

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions: 
1) to, in, of (последнее предложение в 1-м абзаце)
2) on (первое предложение в 1-м абзаце)
3) by, on (первое предложение в 3-м абзаце)
4) in, on, with (последнее предложение в 5-м абзаце)
5) of, in, from (последнее предложение в 6-м абзаце)
6) over, with (первое предложение в 7-м абзаце)

Exercise 3. Explain the meaning of the following phrases in English (according to the content in the article). Reproduce the episodes where they are used.
1) to run a workshop - проводить семинары (to learn smth useful)
2) a restrictive diet - изнуряющая диета (the kind of diet which exhausting you)
3) to feel deprived - чувствовать себя обделенным (loosing smth)
4) to reinforce smth - укреплять что-либо (например, веру) (to do smth stronger)
5) to knock a self-esteem - бить по самооценке (to feel self-doubt)
6) a misguided attempt - ошибочная попытка (which leads to mistake)
7) to combat overeating - бороться с перееданием (trying to lose weight)
8) to give in - сдаваться (abandon everything)
9) a sabotage - подрывание (например, усилий) (exhaust)
10) a stone - 1 Стоун (= 14 фунтов) (measure unit which equals to 14 pounds)

Exercise 1. Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Correct the FALSE statements.
1) The author is sure that the key to successful slimming is ditching diets in favour of long-term healthy habits. FALSE (The author => Most loss-weight experts)
2) Clinical hypnotherapist Georgia Foster says that diets are bad for our emotional health. TRUE
3) Hypnotherapy doesn’t help people to break such bad habits as overeating and smoking. FALSE (doesn't hepl => help)
4) The main problem of men and women who are overweight is that food appears to be a remedy for stresses and depressions for them. TRUE
5) According to Georgia Foster, hypnotherapy works by reprogramming the mind out of thinking that we will fail. TRUE
6) Visualizing yourself as a slim person who eats only healthy food is just a deceiving yourself. FALSE (is just a deceiving yourself => it into believing you’ve succeeded)

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions:
1) Hypnotherapy. Do you approve of this alternative method of losing weight?

Yes, because it's safe. 

2) Do you agree with Georgia Foster that our subconscious may work wonders?
Of course. It all depends on how much we want anything. The power of self-hypnosis, together with our efforts, can create a miracle.

3) Do you consider overweighting to be a really global problem? May be it is just a matter of fashion? 
Yes, overweighting can be a really global problem. It is foolish to say that it's just a matter of fashion. Look how many there are tv-programmes which linked with this problem, how many people who care about their weight. 

4) Are you a supporter of a healthy life-style? Do you think it’s better to live enjoying your life without thinking about healthy-eating habits? 
Am I a supporter? Partly. I think that sometimes you can indulge yourself some unhealthy food, because it's too delicious. But  nevertheless, I try to adhere to a healthy diet, because we are what we eat. 

1. God loves you the way you are. Do you?
Not fully, but I do. I want to say that If you think that you're not beautiful enough, remember that person who's firmly confident in his beauty, in the end will be able to convince everyone else in it. And, of course, it is important to remember that beauty comes from within.

2. Men keep bombarding women with images of perfect girls from glossy magazines. Should women start bombarding them with macho-type images from similar sources? 
Women have already begun bombarding men with macho-type images from similar sources. It's only fair.

18.02.2018; 21:16
хиты: 303
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