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W.S. Maugham 'The Painted Veil'

Has the attitude to infidelity in marriage changed with time?
Nowadays infidelity is a common phenomenon. It is often considered normal to have lovers. Moreover, there are many jokes on this subject. It became fun. Nothing serious.  

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words and phrases from the box and explain their meanings.
choke - душить (feel lack of breath, suffocate)
lookout - подстерегать (observation post)
swell - набухать (bulk up)
throb - пульсировать, стучать (pulsate)
whim - прихоть (smn's caprice)
wrath - ярость (fury)

1) throb
2) wrath
3) choke
4) whim
5) lookout 
6) swell

Exercise 2. Below there are five words from the extract, but the letters are tangled. Find the hidden words and match them with their definitions A - E. The initial letters are correct. 
1) CONTEMPTUOUS (презрительный, высокомерный) - D)
2) FLATTERY (лесть) - E)
3) SUBSERVIENT (раболепный, подчиненный) - A)
4) FRIVOLOUS (легкомысленный) - B)
5) GRIEVANCE (обида, жалоба) - C)

Exercise 3. Find the English equivalents for the following words and phrases. Make up your own sentences using them:
1) кровеносные сосуды - blood-vessels
- Blood vessel has burst on his eye.

2) второсортный. посредственный - second-rate
- America has become a second-rate power.

3) вовлеченный в сплетни, скандалы - scandal-mongering
- He isn't scandal-mongering person.

4) восхищаться, восторгаться - enrapture
- It should enrapture and ispire me.

5) жалость, сострадание, сочувствие - compassion
- I know you can feel love and compassion.

1. Compare and contrast two monologues in the extract under discussion in
terms of their vocabulary and structure, as well as tone and expressiveness.
Сравните и сопоставьте диалоги, приведенные в этом отрывке, обсудите их словарный запас и структуру, а также тон и выразительность.


2. William S. Maugham is the acknowledged «king» of adjectives. Find at least
ten and explain their stylistic significance in portraying the main characters.
Уильям С. Моэм - признанный «король» прилагательных. Найдите хотя бы
десять и объясните их стилистическое значение в изображении главных героев.

- sweet (ласковый), flattering (лестный), delightful (приятный), bitter (черствый), silly (глупенькая), frivolous (легкомысленная), empty-headed (пустая), good-humoured (добродушный), angry (злой), blind (слепой)

3. What other stylistic devices make the husband's monologue so emotional?
Какие другие стиличтические приемы делают монолог мужа настолько эмоциональным?


4. Who gets more of your sympathy, the unfaithful and unhappy wife or the betrayed yet dignified husband? Comment as a person and as a philologist. Can
you feel the author's attitude? 
Кому вы больше симпатизируете: неверной и несчастной жене, или преданному, но достойному мужу? Выразите свое мнение, а также прокомментируйте с точки зрения филолога. Каково, по вашему мнению, отношение автора?

He did not try to idealize her, he accepted as she is - with all her flaws. He loved her so selflessly. Pure and true love. And even though she is so rude and frank with him, he preserves dignity and behaves like a true gentleman.
I think that the author tries to understand the position of both characters. He treats them equally. Despite the fact that Kitty stumbled, he still shows the reader that she is a sensual and understanding woman. Everyone is mistaken. Nobody is perfect.

Fighting a marriage partner is a losing battle. Do you agree? 
It is said there are few people for whom the truth wouldn't sound as an offense. For Kitty, her husband's revelation really sounded like an offense. Moreover, the truth enraged her. To my mind, this is an obvious indicator that she lost the battle.

21.02.2018; 17:26
хиты: 355
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