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The amount of what we read has essentially influenced the way modern man views language and speech. It has relegated to the background of the primary and original form of language: oral speech. Thus when judging the language, scientists often have in view the written representation of oral speech. Printed texts do not only  become an ideal standard of speech activity, but to a certain extent predetermine our linguistic judgment. It is almost impossible to free oneself from the bondage of graphic images. Indirect evidence of the importance of graphic images is their frequent use in speech which is reflected in fiction.

Graphic SDs and EMs have made primary audible speech fixed and visible, which helps to discover in it certain properties that could not have been noticed in fleeting oral discourse.


Punctuation Marks are not only used for expressing oral speech in writing, but they also serve for designing other SDs and EMs. For example, suspension marks are used in aposiopesis to convey the speaker’s deliberate break in the utterance for certain reasons. Apart from suspension marks, dashes can be used for the same purposes:

E.g. Stop teasing your sister or = Stop teasing your sister or


Quotation marks are used for presenting the exact utterance of the speaker:

E.g. I simply can’t do it.


Brackets, as well as comas and dashes, help the author present some additional information; they are widely used in designing insertions and other types of detached constructions:

E.g. She was seventy, still in excellent health, a short sturdy woman.


Exclamation  marks express highly emotional speech:

E.g. You just can’t leave me now!


Multiplication (the repetition of the same letter or a combination of letters) is another very powerful graphic EMs, which helps to render the person’s manner of speaking:

E.g. Nnooooooooo! Pleeeeeease don’t hurt me.

E.g. D-don’t s-stop n-now.


Graphon is a intentional violation of spelling of the word or a word combination used to reflect its authentic pronunciation:

E.g.Thquire!.. your thervant! Thith ith a bad pieth of bithnith, thith ith…” (i.e. “Squire!.. Your servant! This is a bad piece of business, this is…”)


Capitalization is the use of capital letters in the text of utterance to convey the speaker’s very emotional state, or to draw the reader’s attention to certain details, etc. The person’s emotional state, or his/her deliberate intention to give more prominence to certain pieces of their utterance can also be expressed with the help of italics:

E.g. She was simple beautiful.

E.g. I’ll NEVER see him again.


Hyphenation (or the use of hyphens) is another way of reflecting the person’s manner of speaking, which is often combined with other graphic EMs:

E.g. “His wife,” I said. “W-I-F-E.”


Bold type is the EMs widely used in different kinds of styles (often combined with capitalization or italics) to draw the reader’s attention to the text. It is frequently used in titles and headlines, which we used in this book as well.


Graphical imagery is designing the text in such a way so that it visually resembled its content.


21.12.2017; 03:57
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