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Теорграмматика английский

1 1. Grammar and Corpus Data.
2 2. The main roles of grammar at the level of discourse. Coherence. Cohesion.
3 3. Prescriptive Grammar, Descriptive Grammar. Pedagogical Grammar.
4 4. Pragmatics. Pragmatic Meaning. Pragmatic Competence.
5 5. Finite and non-finite forms of the English verb.
6 6. Non-finite forms in English. The functional aspect.
7 7. Linguistic typology. Types of languages.
8 8. Why is English a Germanic language?
9 9. Понятие текста. Тексты разных типов.
10 10. Лингвистический и стилистический анализ текста.
11 11. Lexical expressive means and stylistic devices.
12 12. Syntactic and phonetic expressive means and stylistic devices.
13 13. Semiotics as a science.
14 14. The semiotic theory of text. Y. Lotman and Moscow-Tartu semiotic school.
15 15. The notions of intertext and hypertext in linguistics.
15.06.2016; 14:11
хиты: 1616
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