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13.Employment law

Employment law

Employment law usually involves a mixture of contractual provisions and legislation regulating the relationship between employer and employee, and governing labour relations between employers and trade unions, for example with regard to collective agreements and collective bargaining about conditions of work.Developments in case law and changes to legislation, for example from the implementation of European Community directives affect employers and employees alike. The practice of living and working in different jurisdictions means that lawyers also have to refer to international conventions to establish legal requirements.

Contract of employment

It is usual practice for employers and employees to enter into a written agreement which sets out their respective obligations and rights, and which constitutes a contract of employment, either at the commencement of employment or shortly before. Employers are bound by the employment contract and statutory regulation as to how they may deal with employees, particularly in relation to the termination of employment.Failure to observe such obligations and regulations may give rise to a claim for wrongful dismissal, unfair dismissal, or constructive dismissal.

formation of employment contracts-формирование трудовых договоров
settlement of disputes-урегулирование споров
Employment Tribunal-суд по трудовым спорам
contractual provisions-договорные положения
employer and employee-работодатель и работник
labour relations-трудовые отношения
trade unions-профсоюзы
collective agreements and collective bargaining-коллективных договоров и ведение коллективных переговоров
statutory rights-установленные законом права
entitlement to-право на получение
minimum wage-минимальная заработная плата
like work как работа
employment particulars сведения занятости
itemised pay statement постатейная платить
time off нет больше времени
sick pay пособие по болезни
leave оставлять
transfer of business Передача бизнеса
notice of termination of employment уведомление о прекращении трудовых отношений
unlawful deductions незаконные вычеты
discriminated against дискриминации
part-time неполная занятость
fixed term установленный срок
contract of employment контракт о найме
commencement начало
restrictive covenant рестриктивное условие
giving notice давая уведомление
grievance procedures процедуры рассмотрения жалоб
variation of contract Изменение договора
unilaterally varied в одностороннем порядке разнообразен
give rise to a claim приводят к претензии
wrongful dismissal незаконное увольнение
unfair dismissal, or constructive dismissal несправедливое увольнение, или конструктивное увольнение
Gross misconduct злостно неправомерное поведение
summary резюме
dismissal увольнение
made redundant сделан избыточным

14.06.2016; 21:40
хиты: 507
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