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12.Licensing agreements and computer programs

Licences and software products

In the computer software sector, the authorised licensor grants a licence to a purchaser of the software products, under the terms of the licence. The grant of such a licence is often held, or deemed, to enter into effect with the initial installation by the purchaser of the product in their computer, or even upon breaking the seal of the packaging enclosing the product. In the US this is known as a shrink-wrap license. When this happens, the purchaser is deemed to accept the terms and conditions enshrined within the licence. Computer programs arc specifically protected by copyright law in the UK under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 as Subsequently amended.

Exclusion and limitation clauses

The licensor cannot contract out of these, although the standard terms of some software licences may claim, or profess, to limit the liability of the supplier for loss or damages arising from the use of the software. The extent to which such clauses will be successful depends upon the loss in respect of which a claim is made, and whether or not negligence is involved. As you're aware, it's nor possible to exclude liability for death or injury due to negligence.

licence agreements-лицензионные соглашения
licensors and licensees-лицензиаров и лицензиатов
compliance programmes-программы соблюдени
licensing and distribution-лицензир и распредел
licensing revenues-доходы от лицензирования
authorised licensor grants-уполномоч. гранты лицензиар
under the terms-по условиям
breaking the seal-вскрыть
shrink-wrap license-Оберточное лицензия
enshrined within-закрепленное в
protected by copyright law-защищенная законом об авторском праве
restricting the unauthorised use-ограничение неразрешенного использования
allows use by multiple systems-позволяет использовать по нескольким системам
permitted use-разрешенного использования
reserve the right to-оставляет за собой право на
liability clause-оговорка ответственности
enforcing-обеспечение соблюдения
express terms-прямо выраженные условия
contract out of-контракт из
loss or damages-потери или повреждения
exclude liability for-исключаем ответствен за
restricted the extent-ограничили степень
confer rights-наделить правами

14.06.2016; 20:52
хиты: 230
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