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5.Company law.

Company law is the law which deals with the creation and regulation of business entities. The most common forms of business entity are companies and partnerships.

A company is a group of people which is treated as a legal person, with a separate identity from its shareholding members. It can own property, enter into contracts, sue others and be sued. This contrasts with a partnership, which is not considered to be a legal person and is not able to own property in its own name.

A company has shareholders, a board of directors and creditors. Company law deals with the relationships between companies and their shareholders, creditors, regulators and third parties.

The process of registering a company is known as company formation. Companies can be created by individuals, specialised agents, attorneys or accountants. Today, the majority of companies formed in the UK and the USA are formed electronically. In the UK, a certificate of incorporation is issued once the company's constitutional documents and statutory forms have been filed.


business entity-субъект предпринимат деят-ти
legal person-юр лицо
shareholding members-акционеры
limited liability-огранич ответственность
sole proprietor-индивид. предприниматель
publicly listed company-акционерное общество
board of directors-совет директоров
third parties-третьи лица
company formation-формирование компании
certificate in incorporation-регистрационное свидетельство
constitutional documents-учредит документы
statutory firms-нормативные формы
memorandum of association-учредит договор
articles of association-устав акционерног общва

14.06.2016; 15:02
хиты: 220
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