пользователей: 30398
предметов: 12406
вопросов: 234839




  1. Letterhead / address (but not name) of writer
  2. Name and address of recipient
  3. References
  4. Date
  5. Opening
  6. Subject heading
  7. Body of the letter
  8. Closing
  9. Signature
  10. Name and job title
  11. Enclosures

Opening. If the letter is going to someone whose name you do not know, it starts with Dear Sir, or Dear Madam, or Dear Sir or Madam. But if you do know the name, then you can begin with Dear Mr / Ms Taylor, or Greg Taylor,

Closing. At the end of your letter you should include a short sentence like I look forward to hearing from you. Or Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information. Below that, you should put a closing phrase:

Yours sincerely, (formal, for letters beginning Dear + name)

Yours faithfully, (formal, for letters beginning Dear Sir / Madam)

Yours truly, / Best regards, / Best wishes (less formal)

Useful phrases and notations

With reference to your letter of the 15th of this month, …

It was very kind of you to agree …

As I mentioned in my last letter to you …

Thank you for taking the time to …

Regarding the question of …

I will arrange for my secretary to forward the minutes to you for your approval.

I am enclosing a copy of our latest proposal.


International Business School, Russia

32 Mir Ave., Moscow 010233, Russia

Tel. (095) 219-3204 Telefax: (095) 219-3210

E-mail: christiane@ibs.com.ru

Mrs. Amanda Pitt

 C/o Euro Media Russia Ltd.

 P.O. Box 229

01023 Moscow



October 15th 2012


Dear Madam,


Last month I ordered your advertising manager Diana Richardson four color advertisements for our School to be published in your magazine. It should have been in a box, with our logo and five lines of the text. I have paid $350 for that service. Yesterday I received this week’s issue of “What’s on” and saw that the ad is without a logo and black and white.

I hope this mistake will be eliminated in the next issues of your magazine, and I believe my letter has not disappointed you.

I have always appreciated your cooperation which, I hope, will last for many years more.



Faithfully yours,

Christiane Degerhardt













Мы не удовлетворены вашей деятельностью, связанной с заказами.


We are not satisfied with your performance concerning orders.

Большое количество Ваших заказов было аннулировано.

Many of your orders have been cancelled.

Прошу Вас быть более внимательным при совершении сделок.

Please be more careful in your transactions.

Вы не имеете права предоставлять особые льготы клиентам.

You are not authorized to extend preferential treatment to your customers.

Мы надеемся, что впредь Вы будете придерживаться наших указаний относительно приема заказов.

We hope that in the future you will adhere to our instructions regarding the acceptance of orders.

Просим в будущем избегать приема таких маленьких заказов.

Please avoid accepting such small orders in the future.

Как вы могли согласиться с клиентом на такой короткий срок поставки?

How can you guarantee such a short delivery time?

Вы не уполномочены снижать цену.

You are not authorized to reduce prices.

Из-за предоставленной Вами специальной скидки мы понесем убытки при исполнении этого заказа.

The special discounts you have allowed will result in a loss for us on these orders.

Просим пересылать заказы своевременно.

Kindly send in your orders more promptly.



International Business School, Russia

32 Mir Ave., Moscow 010233, Russia

Tel. (095) 219-3204 Telefax: (095) 219-3210

E-mail: christiane@ibs.com.ru


Dr. Barbara Phillips

University of Farmington

Farmington, OH 55555


September 15th 2012


Dear Dr. Phillips,

I am very pleased to announce that the project that you presented to the annual award committee has been selected as this year’s winner. Congratulations to you for your hard work and for the innovative approach that you took throughout this project.

In the meantime we are inviting you to participate in our forthcoming conference devoted to the global economic problems to be held October 7 – 10 in our International Business School. The enclosed brochure will give details on papers, speakers, and deadlines for abstracts.

We look forward to your acceptance.


Very truly yours,

Christiane Degerhardt












Просим оказать нам честь своим посещением … выставки.

Please give us the honor of your visit at the … Fair.

Мы ожидаем, что Вы посетите наш стенд на … выставке.

We are looking forward to your visit at our stand at the … Fair.

Мы будем рады, если Вы сможете посетить нас на выставке.

We would be happy if you could pay us a visit at the fair.

Мы приглашаем Вас на открытие … выставки.

We take the liberty of inviting you to the opening of the … Fair.

Мы будем признательны, если Вы сможете посетить наш прием … по случаю открытия выставки. Он начнется … в …

We would appreciate your attending our small reception on … on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition.

Мы хотим пригласить Вас на нашу выставку и надеемся, что наши товары заинтересуют Вас.

We would like to invite you to our exhibit and hope our products will interest you.

Показ наших образцов начнется … Мы были бы рады Вашему присутствию на этом показе.

The display of our samples will start on … We would be very glad to have you with us on this occasion.

Руководство фирмы приглашает Вас на открытие нашей весенней выставки, которое состоится в … в … часов.

The management wishes to invite you to the opening of our spring exhibition to be held on … at …

Выставка начинается …. Мы рады пригласить Вас на нашу выставку. О нашем местонахождении можно узнать в информационной службе.

The exhibition starts on … We would welcome your visit to our exhibit. Our location may be obtained from the  information booth.




268 Sacramento street, San Francisco, CA 92115

Tel. (415) 346-2875 Telex 153280417


Sales Dept.

Electronics AG

420 High St.

Chicago IL


February 11, 2012


Dear Sirs,


We are a large record store in the centre of San Francisco and would like to know more about the CDs and DVDs you advertised in the last edition of “Hi-Fi News”.

We would like to know whether the CDs and DVDs are leading brand names, or made by independent companies. It would be helpful if you could send us some samples, and if they are of the brand we require, we will place a substantial order with you. We would also like to know if you are offering any trade discounts.

We await your reply with great interest.


Faithfully yours,

Steve Mathew

Purchase Manager





Уважаемые господа!

 За последние годы мы ввели в оборот в … различные заграничные марки и создали значительный рынок сбыта для производителей.

 Нас заинтересовала ваша новая продукция, которая экспонировалась на выставке в …

 Просим прислать нам все имеющиеся данные о Вашем … Мы хотели бы подчеркнуть, что наша фирма предлагает своим клиентам отличное сервисное обслуживание и ремонт оборудования.

Ожидаем Вашего ответа с большим интересом.

Искренне Ваш



In recent years, we have introduced various foreign brands in … and have built up a considerable market for the manufactures.

 We are interested in your line which we saw exhibited in …

 Please send us all available data on your … We would like to point out that we offer customers an excellent service department and repair facilities.

 We await your reply with great interest.

Sincerely yours.




Horizons Books, Inc.

55 Canal Street

Chicago, IL 44444


Central Library

Green River, MA 11111


September 15th 2012

Attention: Orders Dept.

We gratefully acknowledge receipt of your order for one copy of World Problems, by John Doe, Universal Press, 1987, which you sent us on September 1, 2012 with a check for $25.00 (twenty-five dollars) enclosed for cost and shipping.

Unfortunately, we are unable to deliver this item. We will be able to send you this item by October 1, 2012 at the earliest. We can assure you of careful execution of your order. Kindly inform us if this late delivery is acceptable.

We are certain that with the proper execution of your order our companies will enter into a mutually prosperous business relationship.

Faithfully yours,

Grace R. Ames,

Purchase Manager




Мы с благодарностью подтверждаем получение Вашего заказа от … (дата).

We gratefully acknowledge receipt of your order dated …

Ваш заказ … от … был получен нами … Мы незамедлительно начали производство.

Your order № … dated … was received by us on … We immediately began production.

Мы очень благодарны за заказ, полученный вчера от Вас.

Your order was received by us yesterday; many thanks.

Мы можем заверить Вас в точном исполнении вашего заказа.

We can assure you of careful execution of your order.

Мы уверены, что точное выполнение Вашего заказа от … (дата) будет началом взаимовыгодных деловых отношений между нашими фирмами.

We are certain that with the proper execution of your order dated … our companies will enter into a mutually prosperous business relationship.

Благодарим Вас за заказ … от …. Ваш заказ будет готов к отправке … (дата).

Thank you for your order № … dated … We will have your order ready for delivery on …



Central Hotel

194 Eastern Avenue

London, WC1 4AT

Tel: 020 798301


TO: Christopher Hardy, PA

FROM: Lynda Martel, Purchasing Manager

FAX NUMBER: 020 755660

DATE: Wednesday, 3rd April

NUMBER OF PAGES: (including this): 3


 Dear Christopher,

Thank you for your fax and thank you for looking after things so well while I’m out of the office.

I have decided to stay on an extra day to catch another fashion show and I’d like you to do the following:

  • Cancel tomorrow’s taxi and arrange for one same time Friday morning.
  • Send reminders about Friday afternoon’s Product Managers’ meeting to all participants.
  • Photocopy one copy of the attached price list and catalogue for each participant.
  • Contact Jeff Murrey from Finance and ask him if he can come. Tell him I’m bringing samples and prices of the new lines I think we should buy.
  • Email Mr Cameron and explain why I’m coming back a day late.


See you Friday around 10 am.



Lynda Martel





TO All Marketing Staff

FROM Alan Stewart, Marketing Manager

SUBJECT New product launch


I am delighted to inform you that the Finance Committee has approved the new product plans. We need to get moving ASAP on the marketing campaign.

  • Could you send me all the present market research data on the identified target.
  • I recommend we set up focus groups for more up-to-date data.
  • I would like to see a selection of proposed brand names by the end of this week.
  • The creative team must have a proposal for a print media and TV campaign by the end of this month.
  • We need to finalize and make decisions at the next meeting early next month.

Make this project an urgent priority.


  1. S.





From: Sarah Bates, Personal Assistant

To: Tom Peterson

Cc: Alan Hickson, Production Manager

Bcc: Katia Belmondo

Sent: 12 January 2010 14:54

Subject: Re: Request for dispatch confirmation

Attachment: Invoice doc


Dear Mr Peterson

Thank you for your mail. I have checked with Mr Hickson, our Production Manager, and I can confirm that the 200 cases you ordered left our warehouse yesterday and should arrive at their destination by tomorrow at the latest. Please let me know if there is any delay.

I am sending a copy of the invoice as requested, in the attached file.


Yours sincerely,

Sarah Bates

Personal Assistant



*** Note:

Cc – person/people who will also receive the mail though it is not addressed directly to them;

Bcc - person/people who will receive a copy without other people knowing

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