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1 The term is composed of two Greek morphems: lexis denoting word and logos denoting meaning.
2 The term morphemes is derived from Greek “morphe”- form and suffix -eme
3 3. The main sources of enriching vocabulary.
4 4.English vocabulary.
5 5.The main ways of word-building
6 6. Affixation in contemporary English.
7 7. Conversion as a means of word-building
8 8. Word composition. Classification of compounds.
9 9. Shortening. Types of shortening.
10 10.minor ways of word-building.
11 11. Etymology. The role and place of borrowings in English word-stock.
12 12. Causes and ways of borrowings. Criteria of borrowings.
13 13. Assimilation of borrowings. Degrees of assimilation.
14 14. Neologisms and their types.
15 15. Scandinavian and French influence on English
16 16. Etymological doublets.
17 Latin borrowings in English . The role and place of borrowings in the English word-stock.
18 Word meanings. Types, varieties and aspects of meanings.
19 19.The main types of semantic relations between meanings.
20 20. The inner structure of the word
21 21.Semantic equivalence and Synonymy. Types of synonyms.
22 22 - Semantic contrasts and antonymy.
23 23 - Polysemy and its sources
24 24.classification of homonims.
25 25. Phraseology and phraseological units
26 26. principles of classification of phraseological units
27 27. The fundamental problems of dictionary compilation
28 28.parameters of a linguistic dictionary
29 29. Types of dictionaries
30 30. varieties,variants and dialects of contemporary english
31 classification of phraseological units by Vinogradov and 2 more
32 32.American English
33 http://www.studfiles.ru
34 Official business style. 2. Scientific-professional style. 3. Publicist style. 4. Literary colloquial style. 5. Familiar colloquial style.
35 Informal style
36 to what factors conversation is highly productive in English
24.05.2016; 18:07
хиты: 6592
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