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21. Public schools in Britain

Private Schools

Alongside the state school system there is the system of fee-paying private or independent schools. The largest and most important of them are the public schools (age 13-18). The misleading word ‘public’ derives from the fact that originally students from all over the country and not just from the immediate neighbourhood could enter the school.

Apart from intellectual development public school education aims at the following ideals and values:

1) formation of character through the practice of sport (‘fair play’ ideal);

2) emphasis on social behaviour (‘Manners makyth Man’: motto of Winchester);

3) training for leading positions (discipline and responsibility).

The first two points (‘character’ and ‘social skills’ through extra-curricular activities) have become and integral part of the aims of state schools too. Although times have changed and more emphasis is placed on merit today, public school pupils and pupils from other independent schools still have a big advantage over those from comprehensive schools. Educational privilege, social prestige and the ‘old-boy network’ help them to achieve high positions in all walks of life. For this very reason more and more middle-class parents who doubt the efficiency of the comprehensive schools try at all costs to send their children to a public or an independent school in order to give them a better start in life. Thus the ideal of quality of opportunity cannot become reality as long as there is a prestigious private sector in education.

All in all there’re about 260 public schools in Britain. Some of the most famous are Winchester (in S. England), Eton (a top, most expensive school for boys from the upper class), Rugby (in central England) and Harrow (N.W. England; it’s the other most prestigious and expensive private school).


Rugby was founded in 1567. Its headmaster from 1827 to 1842 was Dr Thomas Arnold, who declared that the task of the school was to rear a gentleman, strong-willed and intelligent, who can be a leader of society if need comes. Going in for sports is regarded as one of the most important things there; but it’s not only for physical fitness, it’s for development of certain traits of character. Instead of individual sports Rugby cultivates team sports (with 2 competing groups of people). It aims to develop “the

team spirit” on the one hand, and to develop social status distinction, and faithfulness to it. A good team player acquires a leader’s qualities, which can make a later success in any public sphere.

The second important thing is the system of subordination between the junior and the senior students. Caning is given high priority here (as well as in other public schools), and senior students are responsible for administering the punishment.

The Rugby School has always been at the forefront of science education in Great Britain. The school also offers courses in art, history, design, politics and Russian history. Girls were first admitted in 1976 and in 1993 the school initiated programmes that would move it toward full coeducation (совместное обучение)


Eton was founded in 1440. It is the most prestigious public school. One may speak of certain dynasties of Etonians, because leaders of the society send their sons and grandsons there. When the school was founded, it was very close to the royal court. 18 Prime Ministers of Britain were Eton graduates. The development of political interests is given the highest priority in Eton.


Harrow School (located 16 km from London) was founded in the late Middle Ages (1571) and reendowed in 1572. It is now a boarding school for about 775 pupils. The campus area is more than 122 hectares, including cricket and football fields, a farm, a lake, and a golf course.

The original course of instruction was exclusively classical, but studies are now offered in agriculture, architecture, art, classics, economics, geography, history, mathematics, modern languages, music, science, technology.


Winchester College (in Southern England) is the oldest public school in Britain. It was established in 1382 by William Wykeham (1324-1404), who was the bishop of Winchester and promoted religious education.


Other important aspects public school life:

* The system of subordination between the junior and the senior students;

* Caning is given high priority (to maintain discipline);

* Rather severe living conditions;

Because most of them are located in castles, there’s no central heating system in students’ hostels, which is supposed to strengthen the boys’ health. Besides they receive rather ascetic nourishment, which is supposed to strengthen the young gentlemen’s characters. The more respectable and prestigious the school is, the stricter and the more ascetic the conditions are.

* Rather ascetic nourishment to strengthen the young gentlemen’s characters;

* The more respectable and prestigious the school is, the stricter and the more ascetic the conditions are.


There is a notion of “old school tie”. The school tie is a distinctive feature of a school status, of one’s belonging to a certain club or scientific society. And certainly, the most prestigious tie is the public school tie, which a gentleman wears not only to show what education he has received, but also to show his high status.

Public schools are very much exclusive, because they’re too expensive; and mostly people who finished them send their sons there later.

A much higher proportion of students from public schools win university places than from state schools. Former public school students may also have an advantage when applying for a job because of ‘the old tie’.

When the upper class parents send their offspring to Harrow or Winchester, Eton or Rugby, they don’t think of the kind of education their children will receive, but of the influence the school will make on them, the way it will affect their character and manner of behaviour, as well as accent, which will remain with their children for ever.


20.01.2019; 20:30
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