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Functions of the Gerund

         In a sentence, the gerund is used in different syntactic functions:


                   I think walking in the country is a lovely way to spend a day.


                   What I suffer from is not being able to sleep.

Part of a compound modal or aspect predicate

                   I can’t help feeling depressed sometimes.

Direct Object

                   I enjoy travelling.

         The gerund is used after certain verbs, such as:

admit                   detest                            justify                            resist          resent

advise                            dislike                  mention               risk

allow                    endure                  mind                    save

anticipate             enjoy                    miss                     suggest

appreciate            escape                  permit                  tolerate

avoid                   excuse                  practise                deny

confess                 face                      put off                 imagine

delay                    forget                            recommend          involve

         The Gerund as a direct object is also used after the adjective worth.

                   The book is evidently worth reading.

Prepositional object

         In this function the gerund is used after such verbs as:

admit to               depend on

(dis)agree with     insist on

aim at                            object to

apologize for        pay for

(dis)approve        of     put up with

believe in             rely on

benefit from                  resort to

care for                succeed in

confess to            think of

count on              vote for

worry about

                   Jake is thinking of selling his motor-bike.

         The gerund can also follow a verb+object+preposition.

The article accuses the government of concealing important information.

         We find the gerund after such verbs as:

accuse of              deter from            prevent from        stop from

blame for             discourage from   punish for            thank for

charge with          excuse for/from    remind of             use for

congratulate on    forgive for            tell about             warn about


         The gerund is used as a prepositional object after certain adjectives, such as:

afraid of               capable of            grateful for           sorry for

amazed at            content with                  guilty of               surprised at

angry about/at     dependent on       happy about/with         used to

annoyed about/at different from/to  interested in                  worried about

anxious about      excited about/at   keen on                wrong with

ashamed of          famous for           nervous of           satisfied with

aware of               fed up with          pleased about/with

bad at                            fond of                 ready for

bored with           good at                responsible for

                   My husband isn’t very good at cooking.

         Part of a Complex Object

         The Gerund can be part of a complex object when used as the verbal element of a predicative construction (see 10).

                   I hate people asking me personal questions.



         In this function the Gerund is always preceded by a preposition.

                   I noticed Jeff’s success in getting the price down.

         Some other nouns can also take a preposition+gerund:

aim of/in              excitement about/at       possibility of

amazement at       fear of                           problem of/in

anger about/at      gratitude for                           prospect of

anxiety about       idea of                           reason for

apology for          job of                                      surprise at

belief in                objection to                            task of

danger of/in                   pleasure of/ in               work of

effect of                point of/ in                    worry about


         Adverbial modifier

a) adverbial modifier of time

         In this function, the gerund is used with the prepositions after, before, on/upon, in, at.

                  Please, switch off the lights before leaving.

b) adverbial modifier of manner with the prepositions by, in.

                   She succeeded in business by being completely single-minded.

c) adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances with the preposition without.

                   The man left the building without being seen.

d) adverbial modifier of purpose with the preposition for.

                   These pages may be used for making notes on.

e) adverbial modifier of condition with the preposition without.

                   The boys could not leave the house without asking for permission.

f) adverbial modifier of cause with the prepositions for, for fear of, owing to.

                   I feel ever so much better for having taken a holiday.

g) adverbial modifier of concession with the prepositions in spite of, despite.

                   I still feel tired in spite of having slept eight hours. 


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