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The Subjective Infinitive Construction

                   This is a construction in which the infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun in the Common Case or a pronoun (in the Nominative Case); the noun/pronoun is the Subject if the sentence, the infinitive is part of a compound predicate.

The Subjective Infinitive Construction is used with the following groups of verbs in the Passive

a)     verbs of sense perception see, hear, etc.

Mr. Sawyer was heard to laugh heartily.

b)    verbs of mental activity think, consider, believe, expect, know, suppose

You are expected to start work at 8.00 every morning.

c)     the verb to make.

She was made to sign the paper.

d)    the verbs say, report.

The child is said to resemble her mother.

e)     The Construction is used with the following pairs of synonyms: seem/appear, happen/chance, prove/turn out in the Active Voice.

The plane seemed to be losing height.

f)       The Construction is used with the word groups to be sure, to be certain, to be (un)likely.

The party is sure to be a great success.



22.03.2016; 23:34
хиты: 150
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