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Language History and Systematic Approach

A system can be defined as a group of interdependent and interacting (взаимодействующие) elements arranged in a variety of ways. Language is a system, consisting of interdependent and interacting linguistic units arranged in the most effective way to enable communicational and cognitive function. The systematic approach suggests that language should be regarded as a dynamic system which is capable of adjusting (установка) itself to everchanging conditions of communication. Hence to describe pure linguistic chances one should always keep in mind extra-linguistic factors. There are 3 main aspects of the language system: its substance, its structure and its function. Structure is a systematic arrangement of parts which, taken together with the totality of relations existing among these parts, forms a coherent whole where any change in the relations between some of the parts necessitates a corresponding change in the relations among all the other parts. Morphemes, phonemes, etc – units of the language – make the substance of the language. Function of the language is to enable communication.The core characteristics 'shape' the language system and reflect its main tendencies . Neither the development of the whole system nor the state of its subsystems are influenced by peripheral phenomena. Actually, the most evident difference between the core and periphery lies in their functional load. The functional load of the core is much higher than that of the periphery . Moreover, the core features of the language system are characterized by high productivity. Productive models are capable of generating open paradigms with an infinite number of elements . It is these models that determine the structural type of the language. .

19.05.2016; 17:57
хиты: 135
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