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6. the problem of asymmetry of the linguistic sign

Asymmetric dualism of the lng. Sign – the basic law of a linguistic sign which postulates the asymmetry of the signifier and the signified i.e. absence of rigid and long-standing one-to-one correspondence between the plane of content and the plane of expression of the sign. As S. Kartzezevsky formulated, any linguistic sign is at one and the same time a homonym and synonym. The natural consequences of this law are the existence of polysemy, homonymy and synonymy. The problem of asymmetry of the linguistic sign in Modern English includes:

Semiosis 1) the process of sign formation; 2) the process of signification of linguistic sign which takes place in the act of nomination , there are two modes of sign distinguished in modern linguistics: primary – endowing a word with meaning in the primary act of nomination; secondary – appearance of sense in an utterance in a current particular act of communication which involves actualization of meaning of every word in the given utterance and all possible assosiative, semi-implicational, contextual additions to their virtual meaning. Trends in semiotics:

1. bio-semiotics – natural sign produced by living organisms ex.: animal signal system, etc.

2. lingua-semiotics ex.: natural languages, artificial as well, diff. linguistic signs

3. abstract semiotics – properties and relations between all sign’s systems, sign in general

4. ethno-semiotics sign – using behavior of people in connection with their culture

5. cybernetic - , art – semiotics

21.06.2015; 14:50
хиты: 122
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