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9. The roman conguest

As early as in 1B.C. the Roman Empire headed by Juliy Cesar, invated the British Isles. The first Roman troops with drew Soon but in 504 B.C. they came again conqured britts and reached as far as the Thames. The actual Roman conquest started in 403 A.D. under Emperor Claudius. By the end of 1A.D. had been conquered be the Romans and for about 400 years remained a province of the Roman Empire. Two walls the wall of Handrian and the Wall of Antonine.  Its naturel that during several senturies the local population was to a subject to a strong influence of the Roman civilization and language of celts aquiered many elements from Latin. Not much is left from Celtic language in English nowadays. At the beginning of 5 c The Roman power in Britain came to an end. The Roman conquest of Britain was a process, beginning effectively in AD 43 under Emperor Claudius. However, Great Britain had already frequently been the target of invasions, planned and actual, by forces of the Roman Republic and Roman Empire. Between 55 BC and the 40s AD, the status quo of tribute, hostages, and client states without direct military occupation, begun by Caesar's invasions of Britain, largely remained intact..In the medieval period, much of this borrowing occurred through ecclesiastical usage established by Saint Augustine of Canterbury in the 6th century, or indirectly after the Norman Conquest, through the Anglo-Norman language.

21.06.2015; 14:45
хиты: 522
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