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14. Classification of English verbs.

.A verb can be

- transitive which can take:

a) a direct object

They express an action which passes on to a thing or object directly.

b)direct and indirect object.

c) prepositional object

intransitive verbs can’t take a direct object.

7. Semantically all verbs can be divided into:

- terminative

- non-terminative

a) Terminative verbs amply a limit beyond which an action can’t continue. (to break).

b) Non-terminative denote an action which don’t amply any limit. (to love, to live, to posses).

c) Verbs of double lexical character/aspect. These verbs in certain context have a terminative meaning, and in other – a derivative.

21.06.2015; 14:39
хиты: 96
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