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Phraseology as a branch of Linguistics. Different approaches to Phraseology.

Phraseology is a separate branch of Linguistics which deals with a phraseological subsystem of language, with all types of set-expressions. The basic unit of phraseology is a phraseological unit. According to A. V. Koonin «a phraseological unit is a stable word-group charac­terized by a completely or partially transferred meaning».

Phraseolo­gy studies the following types of set-expressions: phraseological units (proper); phraseomatic units; border-line cases belonging to the mixed class.

 There exist other approaches to the problem of phraseology: the semantic approach developed by academician Vinogradov; the func­tional approach; the contextual approach worked out by N. N. Amosova and etc.

A phraseological unit is a word-group which presents a functionally, semantically and structurally inseparable unit. Phraseological units or idioms are contrasted to free phrases.


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