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4. The problem of classification of the Vocabulary.

There are several classifications of the vocabulary. The most widely spread one is division according to the: semantic criteria depending on the meaning; non-semantic criteria.

Non-semantic classification:

 1 Alphabetic classification;

2 According to the frequency of words;

3 Morphological classification:

a according to the number and type of morphemes the words are composed of: root-words; derivatives root+affixes; compounds root+root;

b according to the common root-morpheme. These are word families: hand; handout; handball etc.;

c according to the common affix. The greater the combining power of the affix the more numerous is the group. These sets as a rule are open.

4 Functional classification. Division of words according to lexiclo-grammatical grouping.

5 Semantic classification:

 1 Based on the semantic structure of words:

monosemantic 1 meaning; polysemantic;

2 Stylistic grouping of words: bookish; neutral; colloquial etc.;

 3 Based on semantic unity of words: free words; phraseological units; proverbs and sayings etc.;

4 Lexico-semantic grouping. The words are grouped according to the same part of speech or semantic sphere;

5 Thematic grouping: regardless of parts of speech; semantic and extralinguistic grouping;

6 Ideographic grouping: regardless of their grammatical meaning. There is a scientist Roget. He has his own classification of English vocabulary.

According to his point of view there are 15 classes into which the words are divided. Such as:

1 the body and senses;

2 feelings;

 3 place and change of place;

 4 measure and time;

5 language;

6 behaviour and will etc. Each class is subdivided into subclasses.


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